A.M. Best Europe assegna il rating "a-" all'emissione obbligazionaria senior del 7 gennaio
10 gennaio 2014 - 20:36 price sensitive
Trieste. Si comunica che l’agenzia di rating A.M. Best Europe ha assegnato il rating “a-“ all’emissione obbligazionaria senior conclusa il 7 gennaio 2014.
Si allega di seguito il comunicato stampa originale di A.M. Best Europe.
A.M. Best Assigns Debt Rating to Assicurazioni Generali SpA’s
Forthcoming Senior Unsecured Notes
LONDON, 10 January 2014 —A.M. Best Europe – Rating Services Limited has assigned a debt rating of “a-” to the proposed EUR 1.25 billion 2.875% senior unsecured notes due 2020 to be issued by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. (Generali) (Italy). The assigned outlook is negative, in line with the outlook on the group’s issuer credit rating.
The notes will be issued by Generali under the EUR 10 billion Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) programme that was renewed in April 2013. The senior unsecured notes will pay a fixed annual coupon of 2.875%. Although the debt leverage ratio will increase temporarily, it is expected to return to a more moderate level in the second quarter of 2014 as Generali intends to use the debt issue to redeem senior notes maturing in May 2014. A.M. Best will continue to monitor Generali’s interest coverage and leverage ratios, although the present levels do not engender concern at the current rating level.
The methodology used in determining these ratings is Best’s Credit Rating Methodology, which provides a comprehensive explanation of A.M. Best’s rating process and contains the different rating criteria employed in the rating process. Best’s Credit Rating Methodology can be found at www.ambest.com/ratings/methodology.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009, the following is a link to required disclosures: A.M. Best Europe - Rating Services Limited Supplementary Disclosure.
A.M. Best Europe – Rating Services Limited is a subsidiary of A.M. Best Company. A.M. Best Company is the world's oldest and most authoritative insurance rating and information source. For more information, visit www.ambest.com.
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