Generali top performer in the .Sustainability ranking by Lundquist
The Group is among the best-performing Italian companies in terms of sustainability communication according to Lundquist's survey about the usability of sustainability information provided by companies to stakeholders

Generali ranks third among the Italian companies that best communicate sustainability on their website and social networks. This is stated in .Sustainability, the analysis conducted by Lundquist - a corporate communications consulting firm that provides services in the area of content strategy - which focused on an 80-criteria evaluation protocol for the monitoring of the selected companies’ websites.
The research, drafted in 2007 and formalized this year with an analysis of the sustainability communication of 85 Italian companies, is based on four complementary drivers, which are evaluated alongside the ability to create accessible and engaging communication within digital channels, in terms of user experience and presentation of content.
Among the drivers that put the Group on the podium of best performers, is that of Leadership & Advocacy, relating in particular to the involvement of top management on the sustainability issues that affect the company and their sector: the Linkedin profiles of the company and, above all, of top managers, who are required to take a position on key sustainability issues, are therefore also among the scored criteria.
In keeping with the Group's performance in the current survey, the Group's CEO, Philippe Donnet, ranks among the top managers who received high marks due to his commitment and media exposure on major relevant issues.
Another key assessment area in which the Group excelled is Strategy & Innovation. This refers to the company’s approach and its goals, and the integration of sustainability in business, and the company’s culture and its narrative. In this respect, among the evaluation criteria used is the connection between business strategy and sustainability strategy, which needs to be strongly related: one cannot talk about sustainability without additionally providing the goals to be achieved and, therefore, the numbers.
In light of the Lundquist research, the Group confirms its high credibility as a Company that is attentive to sustainability, as well as its recognition of the need to offer a comprehensible sustainability narrative designed for all stakeholders.