Governance & management
The Board of Directors of the Parent Company is the body responsible for setting the Group's goals and commitments for sustainability, in addition to assessing risks, opportunities and areas for improvement. It is supported by the Innovation, Social and Environmental Sustainability Committee which performs a consultative, recommendatory and preparatory role in favour of the Board of Directors on the issues of technological innovation and social and environmental sustainability. It is composed of non-executive and independent directors.

The Group CEO is responsible for the implementation at Group level of the sustainability strategies and policies identified by the Board of Directors. At Group Head Office level, specific functions, committees and working groups have also been set up to ensure we systematically take into account social and environmental aspects related to business activities, as well as economic ones.
Group Management Committee (GMC)
Chaired by the Group CEO, the GMC is composed of the Company and Group top managers, who, in providing support for the Managing Director and Group CEO, meet to discuss the main strategic decisions of the Group, with the aim of improving the alignment of the Business Units on strategic priorities and increasing the efficiency of and consensus on the decision-making process. Since December 2022, GMC includes sustainability issues in its agenda and regularly discusses them, ensuring the integration and implementation of sustainability goals within the Group. These GMC meetings are systematically attended by the Group Chief Sustainability Officer.
Group Chief Sustainability Officer
The Group Chief Sustainability Officer function, reporting directly to the General Manager, is responsible for defining and monitoring the implementation of the Group Sustainability Framework, through proactive dialogue with the Head Office functions and the involvement of the sustainability managers in the countries of operation.
Group Sustainability Taskforce
The Group Sustainability Taskforce is a cross-functional forum at GHO level, that involves functions that support and implement the Group Sustainability Framework. It ensures the alignment on common definitions of key metrics and strategic approaches across businesses and functions.
Sustainability Community
The Sustainability Community is a network of Sustainability Managers from all Countries in which Generali operates. This Community supports the implementation of the Group Sustainability Framework ensuring alignment between Countries, by sharing priorities, initiatives, and best practices.