Responsible Business

At Generali we believe sustainability is a necessary strategic way to approach business and not just a nice-to-have.

It all stems from our purpose, to “enable people to shape a safer and more sustainable future by caring for their lives and dreams”.

It is about creating long-lasting value shared among a wide array of stakeholders: not only shareholders, investors and clients, but also our people, suppliers, the environment, local communities, and society as a whole.

Responsible Business

Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence

In the new strategy Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence, sustainability is even more rooted in Generali’s goal of integrating sustainability into its core business and operations, continuing to act as a responsible insurer, investor, employer and corporate citizen. The aim is to strengthen its position with an enhanced sustainability value proposition.

This will be supported by a range of updated targets focused on the green and just transition, as well as societal resilience, also leveraging The Human Safety Net’s expertise to assist most vulnerable communities.

Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence

Target refers to motor portfolio and is defined as YE30 vs. YE21 reduction, measured by carbon intensity weighted on GWP, includes motor underwriting private portfolios of Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Spain, and Portugal. GC&C portfolio target is -40% by YE30 vs. YE21, for corporate clients with public emissions. Subject to market environment and constraints
Target for investments includes listed equity, corporate bonds, and real estate within the general account portfolio and it is defined as YE29 vs. YE19. For listed equity and corporate bonds, the reduction is measured by carbon intensity weighted on € Mn invested, for real estate by carbon intensity per square meter. Subject to market environment and constraints
Target includes scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, defined as YE30 vs. YE19, it is calculated in absolute GHG emissions. Net-zero target for own operations is anticipated to 2035. Subject to market environment and constraints
Target covers a broad range of asset classes, both direct investments and funds, and includes bonds, corporate, government infrastructure debt-equity, and real estate. Subject to market environment and constraints. It is measured as 2025-2027 cumulated net new investments
2024-2027 GWP CAGR for direct premiums (GDWP). Target includes car coverages for green mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy business. Subject to market environment and constraints
2024-2027 New Business Premium CAGR. For annual Health & Accident premiums the metric is GWP. Target includes life protection, health and pension premium for category of customers internally identified as more exposed to the gap: women, young/elderly people, families, and migrants/refugees

Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth

In the strategy Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth sustainability has been the originator, inspired by the ambition to be a lifetime partner. The aim was to deliver a social, environmental and stakeholder impact for a sustainable transformation by integrating sustainability in core business and processes, including our commitment in the community.

Discover our social, environmental and stakeholder impact for a sustainable transformation

Responsible Investor

We aim at fully integrating ESG criteria into the investment activities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the investment portfolio, and increasing our new green and sustainable investments.

New Green & Sustainable
Investments 2021-2025

GOAL BY 2025

+€ 8.5 - 9.5



+€ 13.9 bln

Fenice 190 – Investments to support sustainable recovery in Europe

GOAL BY 2025

€ 3.5



€ 3.7 bln

Carbon Footprint of Investment Portfolio (EVIC)

GOAL BY 2024

-25%(Interim Goal)

vs 2019



89 tCO2e/€ mln

Responsible Insurer

We provide insurance solutions with ESG components, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the underwriting portfolio, and support the sustainable transition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Premiums from insurance solutions with ESG components

GOAL BY 2024

+5% - 7%

CAGR 2021-24



€ 25,193 mln

Relationship NPS


Maintain the leadership among our European international peers



+ 0.9%

Responsible Employer

We carry out dedicated actions to foster and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our work environment, continuously upskilling our people, nurturing talent in all its forms, and implementing more flexible and sustainable ways of working. We commit to measuring, reducing, and reporting the carbon footprint resulting from its own direct operations.

Women in Strategic Positions

GOAL BY 2024




Upskilled Employees

GOAL BY 2024




+ 16 p.p.

Entities Working Hybrid

GOAL BY 2024




0 p.p.

Engagement Rate

GOAL BY 2024

> External Market Benchmark



0 p.p.

Scope 1 + 2 + 3 absolute GHG emissions

GOAL BY 2025

-35 %

vs 2019



vs 2019 baseline
75,322 tCO2e

Responsible Corporate Citizen

We act to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances through the global initiatives of The Human Safety Net Foundation.

Active Countries for The Human Safety Net


26 Countries

Active Partners for
The Human Safety Net


85 Partners