Corporate Governance Report

The corporate governance and share ownership report provides detailed information on the company, its governance structure, ownership, internal control and risk management systems, and all other relevant information.

Generali’s governance principles are in line with the laws and regulations in force in Italy, as well as international best practices and the recommendations of the Italian Corporate governance code.

Generali publishes its Corporate governance and share ownership report on an annual basis, providing information on corporate bodies, their composition, term in office, operations, powers and responsibilities, and all other information relevant to the corporate governance structure. The document also contains other information and personal details on the company officers, including a brief but detailed personal and professional profile for each of them.

The Report also provides information on the rules for managing confidential information and transactions with a significant impact on the company’s profitability, assets and liabilities or financial position, or transactions with related, atypical or unusual parties.

Finally, the Report provides information on internal dealing (i.e. transactions by people with access to inside information), on the organisation and management model adopted, the composition of the corporate centre and, lastly, on the current auditing firm.

Corporate Governance Report

  • 24 Mar 2025

    Corporate Governance and Share Ownership Report 2024 (March 2025)

    8 mb

  • 24 Mar 2025

    Information compendium to the Corporate Governance and Share Ownership Report 2024

    702 kb