Green, Social and Sustainability ILS

In 2021 Generali sponsored Lion III Re catastrophe risk bond, the first ever Insurance-linked Security (ILS) issuance embedding innovative green features. Since then, the Generali Green, Social and Sustainability ILS Framework has been a fully integrated component of Generali Sustainable Financial Management, allowing for the transfer of insurance risk to institutional investors while embedding green and social features  in line with the following key principles: (i) Generali's freed-up capital funds resulting from the sponsored ILS transaction are allocated to green and social eligible projects, (ii) the ILS proceeds are invested in a portfolio of green and social investments, (iii) a dedicated reporting of the allocation of freed-up capital funds to eligible projects as well as on eligible assets underlying the collateral will be provided. In addition, the primary service providers engaged have shown commitment to a sustainability framework in their business activities.

For more details please refers to our Green, Social and Sustainability ILS Framework and Reports available at the dedicated page