Our offices: energy, use of resources and waste

The largest part of the energy we use is electricity, which is needed for lighting, air conditioning and the power supply of computer and communication devices.

In particular, the servers of 
our Data Processing Centres (DPCs), the largest of which is located in Italy in Mogliano Veneto serving the entire Group, have a high electricity demand, fed by a trigeneration plant powered by natural gas, which allows the joint production of electricity, heat and refrigeration.

We mainly use natural gas and district heating to 
heat our workplaces.

The Group strategy to reduce the environmental impact of our energy requirements involves:  

  • the reduction of consumption through measures to modernize our premises, aimed at improving insulation with building envelopes and high-performance windows and doors, and through the use of high-energy efficiency lighting and air conditioning technologies such as, for example, presence detectors, timers for switching systems on/off and the use of LED lamps.
  • the use of energy from renewable sources.

2025 Target

Performance in 2024

Reduce energy consumption

  • 669,974 GJ energy used  
    37.6% compared to 2019 
  • 9.2 GJ per capita energy consumption
Purchase 100% of electricity from renewable sources, where available

94.5% (+15.4 p.p. vs 2019)*

*Note: the energy data were recalculated in line with the progressive enlargement of the EMS perimeter and represent the staff working at the following locations/Organizational Units: Argentina, Austria, Banca Generali, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Europ Assistance, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. This perimeter covers the 88.4% of our people.

Breakdown of energy consumption

Electrical Energy 


District heating & cooling


Natural Gas






Other minor fuels


Paper is one of the main natural resources used in our industry. Widespread measures to reduce paper consumption include the electronic storage and the digitalisation of documents, the installation of centralised printers for offices or floors in place of individual printers, and the digitalisation of the insurance product sales process using tablets and graphometric signatures.

We favour the purchase of 
paper with environmental certification according to sustainability standards such as Ecolabel, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes), Nordic Swan and Blue Angel.

Performance in 2024

3,647 ton of paper consumption
-56.0% compared to 2019

49.9 kg per capita

87.5% paper with environmental certification

We use water mainly for sanitation purposes and in air conditioning systems. Almost all the water withdrawal comes from public aqueducts.

reduce water waste to a minimum, the taps in our sites mix water and air and, in many cases, they are also equipped with photocells or timed controls.

Performance monitored in 2024

Quantity of withdrawn water
503,497 m3 water withdrawal
-47.7% compared to 2019

Water withdrawal per capita
6.9 m
per capita

We are investing in the reduction of single-use materials to prevent waste production and we are committed to recovering them through circular economy supply chains.

Paper and cardboard account for the majority of the waste we send for recovery through 

We pay particular attention to the proper disposal of harmful waste or waste that damages the environment. This mainly consists of 
electronic devices, returned to their suppliers or specialized operators, and used toners, which are also returned to suppliers to be recycled or regenerated.

Hazardous waste, such as neon lamps, batteries and sanitary waste from our company infirmaries, accounts for only a minimal percentage of our waste and is disposed of separately in an appropriate manner, using specialized companies and taking care to maintain records and mandatory documentation, in accordance with relevant regulations in each country.

Performance monitored in 2024

Quantity of waste collected
5,860 ton
-43.6% compared to 2019

Share of waste taken for recycling through separate waste collection

Share of waste disposed of through energy recovery or landfill