Financial highlights

Generali overdelivered on “Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth” plan targets and achieved record operating and adjusted net result.

Financial highlights

Key 2024 financials at a glance

  FY23 FY24 Change1
Gross written Premiums (€ m) 82,466 95,190 +14.9%
of which Life 51,346 61,434 +19.2%
of which P&C 31,120 33,756 +7.7%
Life Net Inflows (€ m) -1,313 9,674 n.m.
Operating results (€ m) 6,742 7,295 +8.2%
Adjusted Net result (€ m) 3,575 3,769 +5.4%
New Business Margin (on PVNBP) 5.78% 4.60% -1.19 p.p.
Combined Ratio 94.0% 94.0% 0 p.p.
Combined Ratio undiscounted 96.7% 95.9% -0.8 p.p.
Net Holding Cash Flow (€ m) 2,936 3,761 +28.1%
Dividend per share (€) 1.28 1.43 +11.7%
Shareholder's equity (€ m) 28,968 30,389 +4.9%
Solvency 2 ratio (%) 220% 210% -10 p.p.

1 FY2023 figures have been restated considering LTIP and other share-based payments (including WeShare plan) have been moved from non-operating results to operating results. Changes in premiums, Life net inflows and new business are presented on equivalent terms (at constant exchange rates and consolidation scope). The amounts are rounded and may not add up to the rounded total in all cases. Also, the percentages presented can be affected by the rounding.