Responsible Investor
Our commitment to integrating ESG criteria, reducing GHG emissions of our investment portfolio, and increasing new and green sustainable investments

As an institutional investor we play an important role in contributing to achieve sustainable development goals. In this context, the integration of sustainability factors in the investment process has a dual role: on the one hand, it allows to contribute to the development of a more sustainable economy, with social, environmental and stakeholder impact; on the other hand, it allows a better management of sustainability risk to which investments are exposed.
Our Commitment to the Climate
We have defined a Group Strategy on Climate Change with the aim of excluding new investments in and progressive divestment from coal-related businesses in our portfolio. Our Climate Change strategy is also about positive investing: our commitment is to make new green and sustainable investments amounting to €8.5- 9.5 billion in the period 2021-2025.
Social Impact Funds
We have also been developing impact investing solutions. This investment strategy aims to generate positive social effects in addition to financial gains – mobilising existing investment capital to make a much larger impact. As it is complementary to the grant making of The Human Safety Net, it is a strategy which looks at unlocking human potential on a far greater scale. In 2021, the first social impact funds were deployed for a total of €35.5 million. Furthermore, in July 2021 Generali France launched a dedicated impact investment arm, a €13.5 million fund called Generali Investissement à Impact.
Fenice 190
In 2021, to celebrate our 190th Anniversary, Fenice 190 was launched. It is a five-year € 3.5 billion plan to support sustainable recovery in Europe, investing in infrastructure, innovation and digitalisation, SMEs, green housing, health care facilities, and education. The investment plan is implemented through various investment vehicles for a total of €2,666 million between 2020 and 2023.