How to vote - Annual General Meeting 2025

The 2025 Shareholders' Meeting has been convened with the physical presence of the shareholders: it will therefore be possible to attend in person at the Generali Convention Center or, if unable to attend, to grant a proxy to a trusted person or to Computershare S.p.A., the Company's Designated Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the CLFI. In the latter case, it will also be possible to access the live streaming service of the meeting proceedings.

The Designated Representative is a free service that shareholders can use by granting their proxy and relevant voting instructions on the items on the agenda in a context of transparency and impartiality.

The Shareholders entitled to attend the Shareholders' Meeting may appoint proxies pursuant to the applicable regulations, by completing the generic proxy form available in the download area at the bottom of this page and in the Shareholders' Meeting Kit. Authorised representatives must be provided with the original proxy forms and deliver them to the Company upon registration.

Original proxy forms may also be delivered to the Company’s registered office in Trieste, Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2 - to the attention of the Head of Corporate Affairs - or by sending the proxy forms provided with an electronic signature to the certified email address, pursuant to article 21, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 82 dated 7 March 2005.
Authorised representatives may, instead of the original, submit or send a copy of the proxy form to the certified email address, certifying under his responsibility the conformity of the proxy with the original and the identity of the delegating shareholder. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, authorised representatives must keep the original proxy and voting instructions for one year from the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The proxy to the Designated Representative pursuant to article 135-undecies of the CLFI can be granted by signing the relevant form, available in the download area of this page no later than April 2nd, 2025, and delivering it to Computershare S.p.A. by 12.00 pm of April 22nd, 2025 via one of the following alternative ways: Registered E-mail (PEC) holders can send it as an attachment (PDF format) to a Registered e-mail to generali@pecserviziotitoli.itDigital Signature (FEA) holders can send it as an electronically signed attachment also via e-mail. Those who do not dispose of a Registered E-mail address or Digital Signature can send a copy of the proxy in a PDF format via regular e-mail to, and to send the original signed proxy formed and relevant documentation to Computershare S.p.A., via Nizza 262/73, 10126 Turin (TO), Italy.
To facilitate the conferral of the proxy and voting instructions, it will be also possible to fill in and send them through the online Platform of the Delegated Representative, PLAST, which will allow direct forwarding of the documents to Computershare S.p.A. until 12.00 noon on April 23rd, 2025Please note that in order to access said service, a registration is mandatory: a few identification details will be required, including a valid e-mail address and information on the communication issued by the intermediary. Detailed instructions on how to confer the proxy and relevant voting instructions via the online platform will be available in the first days of April 2025.
From that same online platform, Shareholders entitled to attend the General Meeting, i.e.  those who required the communication for attendance to the Meeting pursuant art. 83-sexies of the CLFI to their intermediaries, will be able to access the live streaming service to follow the entire meeting procedures.

Please note that proxy forms and relevant voting instructions shall be sent solely to the Designated Representative. Proxies have no effect for items to which no voting instruction is given. Proxies and relevant voting instructions are revocable by the end of the 2nd day prior to the actual date of the meeting, and in the same manner as the conferment.

Please note that the meeting’s agenda, complete with all the voting items, could be subject to amendments up to March 23rd, 2025, and that such amendments will be published within the legal deadlines. In addition, please note that by the twenty-first day before the meeting, April 2nd, 2025, the lists of candidates submitted by shareholders for the renewal of the Board of Directors will be published. In light of the foregoing, it is recommended to shareholders to wait until April 2nd, 2025 to confer the proxy with complete voting instructions, in order to express instructions on each item on the agenda.