Macroeconomic and insurance research

This page hosts contributions from the Generali Group’s specialized research and analysis centres: Generali Investments' Group Macroeconomic and Financial Research and Generali's Group Insurance Research.

Generali Investments video interviews

The video series Generali Investments in Action provides regular interviews with Generali Investments’ research senior specialists and their views on the financial markets.

GI video interviews

Market Perspectives

Generali Investments' Market Perspectives publication delivers monthly information about the international financial markets. It deals with up-to-date economic data as well as current trends at capital markets. This publication is available only in English.

  • 03 Feb 2025

    Sailing MAGA 2.0

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Focal point

The Generali Investments' Focal Point publication is designed to address on an ad hoc basis varying topics of high relevance for financial markets. Its focus is medium-term in order to support the Tactical Asset Allocation process with relevant  investment ideas.

  • 10 Mar 2025

    Inflation risks in the US keep lingering

    562 kb

  • 21 Jan 2025

    Risks to inflation and growth from US tariffs

    602 kb

Core matters

  • 06 Feb 2025

    AI: Winning and losing countries

    730 kb

  • 22 Jan 2025

    Equity valuation: a multipronged assessment centred on earnings and risk premium

    1 mb


Each year Generali Investments' research team assembles the macroeconomic global outlook and the key financial trends for the coming twelve months.

  • 20 Dec 2021


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  • 18 Dec 2019


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  • 19 Dec 2018


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  • 13 Dec 2017


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  • 19 Dec 2016


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  • 01 Dec 2015


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