Extreme climatic events such as the Vaia storm in 2018, ongoing harmful processes such as coastal erosion, and environmental imbalances, such as the proliferation of spruce bark beetles in alpine ecosystems, are proof of the need to be an active participant in the protection and rehabilitation of the places where our communities live.

With the project "A tree for a Shareholder", which will continue in 2025, Generali combines its commitment and that of its shareholders, supporting the planting of a tree for each of the shareholders who will participate in the General Meeting.

The project "A tree for a Shareholder" continues its concrete commitment to reforestation and the protection of biodiversity through targeted interventions in different areas of Italy. Thanks to the active participation of shareholders, every year we contribute to restoring fragile ecosystems, damaged by extreme events and human action, restoring environmental and social value to the territory.

The program, which started in 2022, aims to combine the participation of Generali shareholders at the company’s Meetings with the Group’s commitment to sustainability and has so far led to a significant result, with almost 10,000 trees already planted, to support the regeneration and resilience of the Alpine ecosystem affected by the Vaia storm in 2018 (Bosco Pizzotto and Bosco della Panarotta, in the municipality of Levico Terme, and the Woods of the Val Cadino of the Magnificent Community of Fiemme, in the municipality of Castello-Molina di Fiemme).

In 2025, the intervention will focus on three areas in northern Italy, with the support of environmental restoration projects in the lagoon of Venice, in Alta Badia and in Lombardy, around the river basins of Serio, Oglio and Ticino.

The “A tree for Shareholder” project fits within the Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence across our value chain strategy, with which Generali is committed to creating long-term sustainable value for customers, communities and territories. Through concrete initiatives such as this, we aim to have a positive impact on communities and territories, in line with the vision of responsible and sustainable growth.