Social Dialogue
Social dialogue and union relations
In line and in compliance with the provisions of law, local practices and cultures, we recognise the right to join a trade union, to have freedom of association, to appoint workers’ representatives. In accordance with local regulations and practices, we also recognise the exercise of the relative representatives’ functions, including the right to collective bargaining.
Employee representatives are suitably informed, in observance of the deadlines established by local regulations and practices, about significant organisational changes at least 30 days prior to such changes (25 days in the event of company transfers) in the majority of countries.

Social dialogue with the European Works Council
The Group’s social dialogue takes the form of a constructive and cooperative approach that fully respects different roles and goals. In line with national legislation, culture and practices, the European Social Charter of the Generali Group promotes social dialogue, fostering debate with the workers’ representatives for the personal and professional growth of the workers and the consolidation of equal opportunities. Consistent with the European legal framework, since 1997 we have developed a forum for European social dialogue in application of the European directive regarding the establishment of a European works council or a procedure for the purposes of informing and consulting employees known as European Works Council (EWC) of Generali.
It is the only body representing workers at European level which we dialogue with. The scope of the EWC’s activity is conducting in-depth analysis with the company on projects and international initiatives of interest to workers. Social dialogue in the EWC of Generali is governed by a specific corporate agreement which also regulates the composition, functions and meetings of the Committee itself.

With reference to the EWC area and in accordance with the in force EWC Agreement, in case of transnational projects/initiatives with relevant interest for workers (e.g. reorganization leading to lay-offs, restructuring with redundancies – headcount reduction), information and consultation with EWC reps is timely activated – in coordination with the countries involved, if needed - aiming at concurrently minimizing the impact on jobs and level of employment in alignment with the Group European Social Charter and the respective legal framework of the countries involved by the transnational project/initiative. Exhaustive information in a timely manner (even transmission of data) to EWC is the first step. Consultation may follow including an EWC opinion to which the Company can give an answer.
Since 2017 and always in the constructive climate that characterizes relations with the EWC, some joint declarations have been signed on topics of significant importance such as:
- Telework (2017)
- Diversity and Inclusion (2019)
- the Emergency Crisis, recently defined to face the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic (2021)
- the New Sustainable Way of Working in a Next Normal Scenario (2023)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2023).