Media kit
Our latest integrated Financial and Sustainability reports, as well as the Company Press kit and Fact sheet offer a complete overview of the Generali group: our worldwide presence, our activities, our key numbers and essential background information for media professionals.
Integrated Report

Our integrated report looks at the Group’s financial figures and strategy, the insurance business, its governance and remuneration policies as well as its non-financial performance in a single document. It describes how the Group creates value for all its stakeholders with a clear-cut layout offering an easy read and understanding.
Our responsibilities
As one of the world leaders in the insurance sector we are the focal point for the interests and expectations of a broad range of stakeholders (employees, shareholders and investors, clients, suppliers, issuing companies, institutions and local communities), with whom we maintain a constant dialogue. This is why we manage our business so as to create value for our Company and also for our stakeholders.