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Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers.
Our purpose is to enable people to shape a safer and more sustainable future by caring for their lives and dreams.
Sustainability is the originator of our strategy.
People are our company's soul.
Thanks to our ‘Lifetime Partner 27: Driving Excellence’ plan, we will further enhance excellence across our customer relationships, our Group operating model and our core capabilities.
The latest from Generali.
Our corporate governance system is in line with international best practices.
Notice - Dividend Payment
44 kb
Notice of the effective date of the AGM
42 kb
Notice of call
89 kb
Remuneration Report
2 mb
Parent Company annual report
5 mb
Reports and Proposals on the items of the agenda
Consolidated annual report
11 mb
Summary of voting on the items of the AGM Agenda
56 kb
Chairman`s Galateri speech
20 kb
Managing Director`s Balbinot speech
16 kb
Group CEO` Perissinotto speech
48 kb
Minutes of the AGM
8 mb
Il Bollettino - AGM special issue
4 mb