Information about share capital

The share capital of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. amounts to € 1,602,736,602.13 divided into 1,569,420,004 ordinary shares with voting right.
As of 12/4/2024 the share capital was increased by € 10,079,883.77 with the issue 9,870,350 shares to implement the shareholder resolution of 7/5/2019 on the Long Term Incentive Plan 2019 and the shareholder resolution of 29/4/2021 on the Long Term Incentive Plan 2021-2023.

As of 19/7/2024 the share capital was increased by € 273,886.36 with the issue 268,193 shares to implement the resolution on the Stock plan related to the mandate of the Managing Director/Group CEO adopted by the shareholders on 30/4/2020.

Notices to shareholders

Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda

  • 13 Mar 2024

    2023 Financial Statements

    220 kb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Buyback scheme and authorization to cancel own shares

    300 kb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Amendments to the Articles of Association

    632 kb

  • 22 Mar 2024

    Presentation of the Report on the policy regarding remuneration and payments

    218 kb

  • 22 Mar 2024

    Group Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) 2024-2026

    354 kb

Information document on the fifth item of the agenda

  • 22 Mar 2024

    Group Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) 2024-2026 – Information Document

    514 kb


  • 12 Mar 2024

    Annual Integrated Report and Consolidated Financial Statements 2023

    6 mb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Corporate Governance and Share Ownership Report 2023 (March 2024)**

    7 mb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Information compendium to the Corporate Governance and Share Ownership report 2023

    715 kb

  • 22 Mar 2024

    Report on the policy regarding remuneration and payments 2024****

    8 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Annual Integrated Report and Consolidated Financial Statements 2023*

    7 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Annual Integrated Report and Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 (XHTML version)

    50 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Annual Integrated Report and Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 (ESEF package)

    12 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Group Annual Integrated Report 2023***

    6 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Management Report and Parent Company Financial Statements Proposal 2023

    7 mb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Management Report and Parent Company Financial Statements Proposal 2023 (XHTML version)

    55 mb

  • 24 Apr 2024

    Management Report and Parent Company Financial Statements 2023

    7 mb

  • 24 Apr 2024

    Management Report and Parent Company Financial Statements 2023 (XHTML version)

    55 mb

* This report replaces the document published on 12 March 2024 and also includes the reports by the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Independent Auditors, pursuant to art. 154-ter of legislative decree of 24 February 1998, no. 58 - Testo Unico delle disposizioni in materia di intermediazione finanziaria (CLFI), and pursuant to art. 8 and 21 of law of 6 February 1996, no. 52.
This file, uploaded to this page on 24 April 2024, is the interactive version of the one already published on 2 April 2024.
** This file, uploaded to this page on 24 April 2024, is the interactive version of the one already published on 13 March 2024.
*** This file, uploaded to this page on 24 April 2024, is the interactive version of the one already published on 2 April 2024.
**** The interactive version of this Report can be found at this link.


  • 26 Apr 2024

    Summary of voting on the items on the agenda

    224 kb

Minutes of the AGM

  • 07 May 2024

    Chairman’s speech

    135 kb

  • 07 May 2024

    Group CEO speech

    134 kb

  • 07 May 2024

    Group CFO speech

    133 kb

  • 07 May 2024

    Minutes of the AGM

    358 mb

The file of the meeting minutes does not include again any attachment that is already published on this page. Please refer to the individual documents in that case.

Questions submitted before the AGM and answers

  • 20 Apr 2024

    Answers to the questions submitted before the meeting

    526 kb

Procedure on attendance and voting by proxy and right to submit questions before the shareholders’ meeting

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Procedure on attendance and voting by proxy

    73 kb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Right to submit questions before the Shareholders’ Meeting

    70 kb

Proxy Voting

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Proxy form

    440 kb

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Proxy form to the Designated Representative 2024

    449 kb

  • 02 Apr 2024

    Proxy form to the Designated Representative 2024 online


Live streaming and shareholders’ meeting extended inclusion

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - English

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - English

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - English

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - Italian

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - Italian

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - Italian

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - French

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - French

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - French

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - Spanish

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - Spanish

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - Spanish

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - German

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - German

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - German

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Chairman Andrea Sironi - LIS (Italian sign language)

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CEO Philippe Donnet - LIS (Italian sign language)

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Group CFO Cristiano Borean - LIS (Italian sign language)

Live streaming and Shareholders’ Meeting Extended Inclusion (SMEI)

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Services provided and registration procedures

    495 kb

Other contents for shareholders

  • 13 Mar 2024

    Shareholders’ Meeting Kit

    2 mb

  • 21 Mar 2024

    Invite by the Chairman to the Meeting

    451 kb

  • 05 Apr 2024

    Shareholder's Guide

    29 mb