The historical posters and advertising of Generali Group
Since the beginning, Generali has been characterized by a strong international spirit, growing into one of global leading insurance companies. The aim to ensure an effective communication in all the countries where it would have operated has led the Company through the path of advertising.
Between the XIX and XX centuries, the first wall calendars and illustrated posters are distributed, mostly depicting the city of Venice, with its sights and its peculiar symbols.
The core issues of the insurance business as security and protection from risks find here a representation, every time with a different style, in accordance with times and places.
Some of the most famous artists have collaborated to the creation of these posters, as Achille Beltrame with his calendars depicting scenes of rural life; Marcello Dudovich, one of the most celebrated name of advertising who was called from the Company to represent in an innovative way a moment of drastic financial and administrative reorganization; Gino Boccasile, author of some of the most appreciated advertising depicting once again the countryside.
Some posters may be considered today as simple as full of realism, others communicate through metaphors, but the aim is always the same: remember that insurance exists to enhance people’s life and ensure a more comfortable future.

The departure of soldiers, Achille Beltrame, 1916

Poster, Dante Manno, 1950

Company newsletter, Generali Czechoslovakia, 1930

The Salute Church, Plinio Codognato, 1920

Poster, Ferruccio Chiurlotto, 1911

Les Patrons Réunis, Paul Verdussen, 1897

Young People’s Grand Prix, Paolo Rosa Salva, 1941

Poster, Gian Luciano Sormani, 1910

The Generali City, Pollione Sigon, 1931

Female Farmer with wheat bundle, Marcello Dudovich, 1938

Allegory of Insurance, Nemes, 1925

Wall calendar, Ivan Rendić, 1892

The Venetian Lady, Marcello Dudovich, 1928