COP 21 Paris, 30 November - 11 December
Do you really know anything about COP21?

On 30 November COP21 kicked off in Paris: over the following 12 days the conference will host an expected 40,000 attendees, who will run and attend hundreds of events and discussions on climate change, sustainability and development. More than 25,000 delegates from 190 countries and 147 heads of Governments will negotiate to secure an agreement with the aim to limit global average temperature rises to 2ºC above pre-industrial levels.
There is much evidence that climate change has devastating effects in terms of extreme weather events affecting populations all over the world and affecting future generations. Parties agree that it is necessary to act now.
As an insurer, Generali wants to play an active role in supporting the transition to a more sustainable economy and society. We will continue to monitor and reduce our direct impacts and advocating for a ‘below 2 degree economy’ through our products, services and investment, as stated in our Policy for the Environment and Climate.
Generali, thanks to Generali France, is an official sponsor of COP21 and will actively work towards a positive outcome for the Conference.
For more information please click here
The Paris Climate Accord
Leaders in Paris for COP21 have signed a landmark agreement to limit greenhouse emissions: it marks a turning point in more than 20 years of efforts to prevent the effects of global warming.
The new pact signed by nearly 200 nations, to be known as the Paris agreement, for the first time requires virtually every country in the world to set out its plans to avert climate change every five years.
It includes an objective to limit the global warming to well below the 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.
The agreement renews a commitment by developed countries to provide $100 billion annually by 2020 for developing countries both to mitigate the effect of climate change and adapt to its consequences.
As an insurer, Generali wants to play an active role in supporting the transition to a more sustainable economy and society. We will continue monitoring and reducing our direct impacts and advocating for a ‘below 2 degree economy’ through our products, services and investment, as stated in our Policy for the Environment and Climate.
Air pollution and neurological diseases

Read the article on air pollution and neurological diseases.
Impacts of air pollution on health

Read and share the infographic on impacts of air pollution on health.
Impacts of climate change on health

Read and share the infographic on climate change to understand its impact on health.
Big data, climate change and insurance

Watch the interview with two experts of big data and environmental risks.
The role of insurers

Read and share the infographic on the role of insurers to understand what can companies do to limit climate change.
El Niño’s fault?

Read the article on global warming and its dangerous consequences.

Read the article on climate warming and infectious diseases.
The impacts of climate change

Read and share the infographic on the impacts of climate change to understand the implications on our lives.
The green year

Read the article on the year that has awakened the public opinion conscience on the issue of eco-sustainability.
What is the greenhouse effect?

Read and share the infographic on climate change and greenhouse effect to understand the impact of human activities producing CO2.