Sustainability is no longer solely an ethical imperative for companies: in today’s world it has become a key driver of strategy; a challenge to be faced and overcome through a coherent, long-term vision. Creating value for shareholders remains a priority, but it is no longer sufficient in and of itself. Creating sustainable value for all stakeholders provides tangible benefits for companies, who stand to gain from the rise of the ethically responsible consumer.

Hope for the future relies on the growth of a new culture of consumption.
by Luca Mattiucci

Corporate decision-making and sustainability of the planet: Generali’s priorities.
by Marta Signori and Alessandra Gambino

CEO of Generali, Philippe Donnet, explains the importance of seizing this moment.
the Editorial Office

The private sector can provide a push in the right direction, provided that we are able to distinguish the good-faith actors.
by Alberto Clò

Andrea Illy on Sebastião Salgado’s “The Scent of a Dream” photography project.
by Andrea Illy

The XXII Milan Triennale, entitled "Broken Nature” examines issues of sustainability.
by Simona Galateo

It’s not enough to discuss the extent of natural disasters, we also have to reduce their impact.
by Paola Amicucci

Finance’s future lies in becoming reacquainted with the economy. And with the real world.
by Luca Testoni

The American Business Roundtable has released a statement of purpose that changes everything.
the Editorial Office

The rise of sustainability, as seen by the Generali Group’s Head of Sustainability and Social Responsibility.
by Lucia Silva

The Human Safety Net tackles social challenges by encouraging participants to assist each other.
the Editorial Office

We’re incentivising corporate welfare and sustainable business practices among SMEs.
the Editorial Office

Each in its own way, these projects from around the world represent a positive step towards a more sustainable world.
the Editorial Office