December - January

- Insurance: “the moment of truth”
- il bollettino – a blend of tradition and innovation
- Turkey: celebrating 150 years and looking to the future
- Virtuous mechanism
- Insured and protected
- Buildings with a story to tell: The Venturi Ginori
- Building opens as a secondary school
- Empowerment and solidarity
- Soldini and the sea: a far-reaching passion
- Flying over Paris to protect health
- Hunting potholes
- Men and history: Cesare Merzagora

- Natural disasters and insurance: Generali’s position
- Easy: the new Europ Assistance membership programme
- At the wheel with Full Service: a new service model for motor insurance
- France: the benefits of in-house training
- Buildings with a story to tell: The Mondadori Building in Segrate
- Roots of the Present: from travelling exhibition to educational archaeology museum
- Das adopts a nursery school in Kenya
- Men and history: Carlo Ruffini
- Austria: the Generali Historical Archive in Vienna
- The Tiepolo exhibition