Insurance Development Forum

Increasing its involvement with Insurance Development Forum’s blueprint for green infrastructure, Generali contributes to enhancing vulnerable communities’ resilience to climate change and natural disasters in emerging and developing economies

Insurance Development Forum

Generali joined the Insurance Development Forum in 2022, sharing its commitment to leveraging the power of insurance and related risk management capabilities to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by reducing the protection gap for vulnerable communities, promoting faster economic recovery, and building greater resilience.

Among the Insurance Development Forum initiatives supported by Generali is the Infrastructure Resilience Development Blueprint, announced in 2024. The initiative aims to mobilise and facilitate insurance sector investments in infrastructure that will enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities in emerging and developing economies to risks from climate change and other natural disasters.

The ultimate goal is to provide a replicable, scalable solution for infrastructure resilience projects that can come to market quickly and thereby lead to near term measurable positive outcomes for the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Designed as a catalyst for driving greater mobilisation and more impactful insurance sector investment into the development of smaller to mid-size commercial infrastructure projects in developing and emerging markets the blueprint includes potential investments in a diversified range of greenfield and brownfield commercial infrastructure projects in sectors such as renewable energywaterwastetransportationsocial (e.g., hospitals, education, and government-backed housing), digital infrastructure and telecommunication.

Generali’s participation to these efforts comes in the same spirit as the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment launched within the G7 to support the development and economic growth of the most fragile nations, particularly in Africa and Asia.