The Return on Investment in our People

The Return on Investment in our People is an indicator calculated in accordance with the requirements of international sustainability indices. The data table below serves as a supplement to the financial information reported in our Group Annual Integrated Reports, which includes Operating Result, providing information on total revenues (a), operational expenses (b) and employee-related expenses (d). 

  € mln FY2020   FY2021   FY2022   FY2023
a Total Revenue (€) (1) 64,468 70,684 49,992 55,312
b Total Operating Expenses (€) (2) 59,260 64,832 43,618 48,433
c = a - b Operating result 5,208 5,852 6,374 6,879
d Total employee-related expenses
(salaries + benefits) (€) (3)
4,953 5,055 5,260 5,458
e = (c + d) / d HC ROI 2.05 2.16 2.21 2.26

The figures for FY 2020 and FY 2021 were presented under the IFRS 4 and IAS 39. The figures for FY 2022 and FY 2023 were presented under the new IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 accounting standards.

(1) Total revenue under IFRS 4 are equal to net earned premiums, while under IFRS 17 are insurance revenue, net operating income from financial activities and other operating income.

(2) Total operating expenses under IFRS 4 are equal to the operating result net of net earned premiums, while under IFRS 17 are insurance claims and expenses, operating holding expenses, other operating expenses and operating investment result.

(3) Total employee-related expenses excluding non-operating costs.