Generali to start a share buyback for the purposes of the Group Long Term Incentive Plan called “LTI Plan 2023-2025” as well as the Group’s incentive and remuneration plans under execution

21 May 2024 - 07:07 price sensitive

Trieste - Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. ("Generali") will start a share buyback (the "Buyback") for the purposes of the Group Long Term Incentive Plan called “LTI Plan 2023-2025” approved by the Shareholders' Meeting of Generali ("Shareholders' Meeting") held on the prior 28 April 2023 as well as of all remuneration and incentive plans approved by the Shareholders' Meeting and still under execution (the "Plans").

The buyback transaction was authorised by that Shareholders' Meeting and has as its object the purchase of a maximum number of 11 million and 300 thousand shares and the carrying out of any subsequent disposition of the same - also jointly with the treasury shares previously repurchased - within the framework of the aforementioned Plans. This authorisation has a term of 18 months, starting on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting (i.e., 28 April 2023), while the authorisation to dispose of treasury shares purchased under the Plans was granted without any time limits.

For these purposes, Generali has signed a buyback agreement with Citigroup Global Markets Europe AG. The appointed intermediary will proceed with the Buyback in full independence, in compliance with parameters and criteria contractually predetermined, as well as with applicable regulations and the aforementioned Shareholders' Meeting’s ' resolution.

The contract provides for the repurchase of a maximum of 11 million and 300 thousand treasury shares of Generali from 22 May 2024 and will end by August 2024. The minimum purchase price of the shares may not be lower than the implicit par value of the share while the maximum purchase price may not exceed 5% of the reference price recorded by the share during the stock exchange session on the day prior to the completion of each individual purchase transaction, and in any case for a total maximum countervalue of no more than € 300 million.

The purchase transactions within the framework of the Buyback will be carried out exclusively on the Euronext Milan market, pursuant to article 144-bis, paragraph 1, letter b) and c) of the Consob Regulation adopted by resolution no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented (“Consob Issuers' Regulations”) and in force of any applicable laws and regulations, thus in accordance with the operating procedures established by the regulations governing the market organisation and management, so as to ensure that all shareholders are treated equally and to fulfil with all public information requirements.

As of today, Generali and its subsidiaries hold 17,059,872 treasury shares, representing 1.09% of the share capital.
Generali will disclose to the market, in accordance with the provisions in force, the details of any purchase transactions carried out.