AGM approves 2017 financial statements
19 April 2018 - 15:05
Trieste - The ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. was held today under the chairmanship of Gabriele Galateri di Genola.
The AGM has approved the financial statements for the year 2017, which closed with a net profit of € 2,110 million, and announced the distribution to the shareholders of a dividend of € 0.85 per-share, to be paid as from 23rd May 2018, after the detachment of coupon no. 27. The dividend will be legitimately payable starting from 22nd May 2018.
Ordinary shares will be traded, without rights to dividends, starting on 21 May 2018.
The Meeting approved the Remuneration Report and the Group Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) 2018, with a maximum grant of 11.5 million own shares.
In this respect, the AGM authorized the purchase of own shares and to dispose of them, for the purposes of incentive plans, for a maximum of 11.5 million shares: the authorization for the purchase has been issued for a period of 12 months from the date of the adoption of the Meeting resolution while the disposal authorization has been issued without time limits. The minimum price of the shares shall not be lower than its nominal value (€ 1), while the maximum price shall not be more than 5% higher than the reference price of the stock on the day before each single purchase transaction.
Purchases of treasury shares will be made in compliance with article 144-bis, paragraph 1, letters b) and c) of the Issuers’ Regulations, according to the operating procedures defined by the markets’ organizational and management regulations, in order to ensure an equal treatment among shareholders.
The Meeting also approved the proposal to delegate the Board of Directors to increase the share capital with free issues and in one or several transactions, for the purposes of the LTIP 2018, to a maximum of € 11.5 million, for a period of 5 years from the date of the Meeting, pursuant to article 2439, paragraph 2, of the Italian Civil Code, in one or several transactions, using profits and/or profit reserves.
The Meeting also approved the amendments to the 9.1 of the Company’s Articles of Association (on the update of Equity items for the Life section and the Nonlife section).