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Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers.
Our purpose is to enable people to shape a safer and more sustainable future by caring for their lives and dreams.
Sustainability is the originator of our strategy.
People are our company's soul.
Driving sustainable growth, enhancing earnings profile, and leading innovation are the three pillars of our strategy.
The latest from Generali.
Our corporate governance system is in line with international best practices.
Generali Group Generali Tower (ph. Giancarlo Costa, Milano)
Assicurazioni Generali Palazzo Geiringer (ph. Massimo Goina)
Assicurazioni Generali Palazzo Berlam (ph. Massimo Goina)
Assicurazioni Generali Palazzo Generali (ph. Fotottica Randazzo)
Generali Valore Cultura Palazzo Bonaparte
Procuratie Vecchie
Generali Italia (p.h. Piovesan)
Europ-Assistance Italia S.p.A.
Genertellife S.p.A. Simgenia S.p.A. Società di Intermediazione Mobiliare
Caja de Ahorro y Seguro Buenos Aires
Generali Corporate, Compañía Argentina de Seguros, S.A. Buenos Aires
Generali Holding Wien
BAWAG P.S.K. Versicherung AG Europäische Reiseversicherung Wien
Generali Belgium Bruxelles
Generali Brasil Seguros Rio de Janeiro
Generali China Insurance Chaoyang
Generali China Insurance Company Ltd. - Daqing Branch Daqing, Heilongjiang Province (courtesy Daqing Branch Staff)
Assicurazioni Generali - Shanghai Representative Office Shanghai (copyright Baidu)
Generali Osiguranje Zagreb
Generali Ecuador Guayaquil
Generali France S.A. Paris (ph. Hervé Thouroude,France)
Generali France Saint-Denis Immeuble Innovatis (ph. N.Fèvre,France)
Generali France Saint-Denis - Immeuble Wilo (ph H. Thouroude, France)
Europ Assistance Paris (ph. P. Pons, France)
Prudence Créole St. Denis de la Réunion (ph. J-M Rillon)
Generali Deutschland Holding München
Generali Employee Benefits Central Europe Frankfurt
AachenMünchener Leben AachenMünchener Vers. Generali Pensionkasse Aachen
Advocard Rechtsschutzversicherung AG Hamburg
Central Kranken Generali Schadenmanagement Köln
Cosmos Lebensversicherungs-AG Cosmos Versicherung AG Saarbrücken
Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG Karlsruhe
Dialog Lebensversicherungs-AG Augsburg
Generali Deutschland Informatik Services GmbH Aachen
Generali Deutschland Pensionsfonds AG Frankfurt/Main
Generali Deutschland Services GmbH Aachen
Generali Lebensversicherung AG Generali Versicherung AG München
Generali Hellas
Generali -Japan Branch Tokyo
Generali Worldwide Generali International Guernsey, Channel Islands
Assicurazioni Generali - Hong Kong Branch (ph Swire Properties Limited)
Generali Biztosító Budapest
Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited Mumbai (ph R. Bala)
PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia Jakarta (ph. Wiwin Yulius)
Fortuna Lebensversicherungs AG Vaduz
Generali Pilipinas Makati City Manila
Generali Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen Warszawa
Generali Portugal Lisboa
Generali Pojist'ovna a.s. Praha
Ceská pojistovna a.s. Praha
Generali CEE Holding B.V. Praha
S.C. GENERALI Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A. Bucharest
Generali Osiguranje Srbija a.d.o. Beograd
Generali Poisťovňa Bratislava
Generali Zavarovalnica Ljubljana
Grupo Generali España Madrid
Grupo Generali España Barcelona
Grupo Generali España (Centro Nuove Tecnologie / IT Centre) Barcelona
Generali (Schweiz) Holding Adliswil
Generali Allgemeine Versicherungen AG Nyon
Generali Thailand Bangkok
Generali Sigorta Istanbul
Assicurazioni Generali Middle East Regional Office Dubai
Assicurazioni Generali United Kingdom Branch London
Assicurazioni Generali U.S. Branch New York (ph. Joe Woolhead)