The Extraordinary International Fund is active
All the initiatives to face the Covid-19 emergency
On 12 March 2020, the Assicurazioni Generali Board of Directors approved the creation of an Extraordinary International Fund of up to 100 million Euro dedicated to the fight against the Covid-19 emergency on an international level. The fund, which will primarily assist Italy but will also be available in other countries where Generali operates, will offer immediate assistance in this quickly evolving crisis and, in the medium term, aims to support economic recovery efforts in the countries affected.
Thanks to the donations made through the Fund, a number of initiatives have been financed:
- The intensive care units at hospitals in Lombardy have received the first lung ventilators purchased by Hope Onlus, a non-profit organisation specialising in health and education projects that operates in Italy and the Middle East. The ventilators were transported from Germany to Milan by humanitarian transport, with the support Embassy of Italy in Berlin, of the Fondazione Buzzi and the direct coordination between Hope Onlus and the Head of the Crisis Unit Prof. Antonio Pesenti, Head of the Intensive Care Unit at the Milan General Hospital (Policlinico di Milano).
- All Group employees can contribute by donating their working hours to integrate the International Fund and finance local projects, including those for the provision of materials and sanitary facilities for hospitals and healthcare professionals.
Further initiatives are being developed, for in such complex circumstances it is crucial to step forward with concrete responses to protect people and support the healthcare professionals who are at the forefront of efforts to save lives.