GrowITup, a project to support Italian excellence

GrowITup, a new project intended to promote Italian innovative start-ups, has recently been launched by Microsoft Italia and Fondazione Cariplo, in partnership with Generali, Alpitur, Barilla, CNH, Enel and Intesa SanPaolo, and with the technical support of Quadrivio, Assolombarda, Politecnico di Milano and LUISS. The initiative connects large Italian companies with emerging start-ups, in an open collaboration, with the aim to sustain their growth but also to support large Italian companies in designing their own future development strategies. In particular, there are seven sectors involved in the project, as they represent the best of Italy in the world: food, fashion & design, manufacturing, energy, financial services, tourism & entertainment and health & beauty. GrowITup can count on a €10 million investment over 3 years, and aims to mobilize €1 billion by 2020.