Generali Italia promotes the corporate welfare Report

3,422 small and medium-sized Italian companies. This is the sample analyzed for the second edition of the SME Welfare Index Report, sponsored by Generali Italia, with the participation of the major Italian confederations - Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato e Confprofessioni. The overview resulted from the survey is encouraging: small to medium-sized enterprises are increasingly engaged in corporate welfare for the wellbeing of their employees. Integrative healthcare, life-work balance, maternity support, initiatives on the territory and also culture and free time are the areas of welfare that have grown most quickly in the last year according to the findings of the Report. When the idea of corporate welfare became common, it seemed that the referred good practices were pursuable only by multinationals. Today, instead, the SME Welfare Index Report highlights that achieving adequate set of benefits, directed to overcome the simple monetary component of employees' salaries and improve their quality of life, it is actually one of the aims also of Italian SMEs.
“Corporate welfare is a strategic priority for Generali Italia, above all for the more than 14,000 people who work for us, for whom we have created a wide-ranging series of services, from supplementary welfare to integrative health and flexible benefits. We make this experience available to all our client companies, especially small to medium-sized enterprises, thanks to our widespread territorial network,” said Marco Sesana, Country Manager and Chief Executive Officer of Generali Italia, during the presentation of the study, on March 28th at the Luiss University of Rome.