Generali consensus FY24 and 2025-2027 Results

Last update: 6 March 2025

  2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E
(Euro m) Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max
Gross written premiums 91,000 94,211 96,124 95,125 98,770 103,198 99,198 103,139 109,619 101,839 107,580 116,476
Life written premiums 57,506 60,754 62,147 59,866 63,132 65,875 62,334 65,502 69,827 64,017 67,905 74,017
P&C written premiums 33,128 33,472 34,232 34,620 35,635 37,323 36,047 37,652 39,791 37,541 39,695 42,459
Group operating result 6,989 7,231 7,434 7,723 7,916 8,109 8,075 8,413 8,629 8,488 8,902 9,377
Life operating result 3,820 4,007 4,098 3,963 4,181 4,380 4,134 4,364 4,550 4,148 4,563 4,730
P&C operating result 2,896 2,979 3,084 3,257 3,429 3,567 3,459 3,706 3,866 3,783 3,934 4,185
A&WM operating result 1,071 1,132 1,210 1,058 1,194 1,301 1,005 1,238 1,496 1,127 1,314 1,720
H&O operating result -500 -473 -438 -515 -464 -400 -535 -465 -400 -567 -470 -400
Consolidation adjustment -468 -415 -382 -477 -423 -360 -506 -429 -338 -536 -439 -328
Net result 3,641 3,825 4,008 3,917 4,186 4,382 4,225 4,580 5,303 4,615 4,937 6,472
Adjusted net result 3,531 3,759 3,919 3,973 4,192 4,352 4,281 4,516 4,752 4,635 4,816 5,214
Dividend per share (€) 1.38 1.40 1.45 1.44 1.54 1.60 1.52 1.68 1.77 1.62 1.83 1.98
Shareholders' equity 29,850 30,689 33,359 31,276 32,437 35,213 32,605 34,413 38,929 33,971 36,446 43,533
Life CSM 30,622 31,255 32,499 31,377 32,459 34,153 32,199 33,856 35,886 32,945 35,367 37,708
Solvency ratio (%) 205 211 215 212 217 226 213 224 252 215 232 266
Combined ratio (%) 93.7 94.0 94.6 92.6 93.1 93.6 92.4 92.8 93.3 92.0 92.5 93.1
Undiscounted Combined ratio (%) 95.4 95.8 96.4 94.4 94.9 95.4 93.9 94.5 94.8 93.6 94.2 94.5
Life New Business Value 2,270 2,326 2,469  
Life PVNBP 47,161 50,800 55,000  

Note: the average number of shares outstanding during FY24 has been 1,538,690,704.
Life New Business estimates were not collected for 2025-27 due to upcoming change in methodology.