2018 Welfare Index PMI
Corporate welfare improves the well-being of the employees and the productivity of the companies

The presentation of the 2018 Report - Welfare Index PMI promoted by Generali Italia with the participation of the major Italian confederations (Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato and Confprofessioni) took place in Rome.
For the third year, the study analyzed the level of welfare in 4,014 small to medium-sized Italian companies (about double the number compared to 2016), monitoring twelve areas in particular: supplementary pensions, integrative healthcare, assistance services, insurance policies, work-life balance, economic support, training, culture and leisure, support for vulnerable people, safety and prevention, welfare extended to the territory and to the communities.

The 2018 Report highlights a strong link between the improvement of well-being, the satisfaction of workers and the growth of company production: these factors are the main goals in welfare choices according to 42.1% of companies. In fact, 35.6% of the companies interviewed declared that they had increased their productivity as a result of greater worker satisfaction. This is even more true for companies that are very active in welfare: 63.5% confirm that they have achieved a production increase.
In the next 3-5 years, 52.7% of SMEs are proposing further growth in corporate welfare, particularly in the areas of health and assistance, work-life balance, young people, training and social mobility.
Marco Sesana, Country Manager and CEO of Generali Italia, said: "Welfare increases business and is good for the country. The well-being of employees and an increase in productivity are the results that entrepreneurs declare today by committing to corporate welfare. We will continue to support, together with the confederations, the dissemination of welfare culture in small and medium-sized enterprises with the Welfare Index PMI, but also with our skills and our innovation in the insurance field."