Taking care of our customers

Gislaine Batista from Europ Assistance
I joined Europ Assistance in 2011. What caught my eye on the day of the interview and made me realise that I was in the right place was what I was reading in the corridors: You live, we care. If that was the offer, it was in line with my values. Care, that's the essence. I was accepted. I joined RH in 2011, was promoted from analyst to business partner in 2014, and a few years later was invited to be the coordinator of an account called Bradesco Auto Center. We always take care of the people at EA, our internal customer. I would develop newly promoted managers, now directly coordinating them. I took over the team that was built at that time, but not developed in terms of leadership. In 2016 there were 30 direct managers. I wasn't involved in their selection process. I was able to work with these professionals at the Brazilian level, managing them, developing them, showing the potential of each one, getting to know them on a daily basis. The team grew and took shape. This transition from business partner to coordinator marked me in the organisation. I was chosen to directly develop these professionals in a different way, in a different role, looking at the internal customer as a mirror, as a manager, so that in the end they reflected what EA expected of all of us. There was no pandemic at that time. My challenge was to lead the way, in 18 Brazilian states. To polish the jewels that were in my hands, so that these jewels would polish those who were with them, and so that this brilliance and recognition would be seen in customer service. I am very proud of this building. Management has no distance. We reap the fruits. EA has clearly in its organisational DNA, in its essence, care. And I mean developing people, making a difference. HR management has never been different in all these years: You live, we care.

Cuidando do nossos clientes

Entrei na Europ Assistance em 2011. O que me capturou no dia da entrevista e me fez enxergar que estaria no lugar certo foi ler nos corredores: You live, We Care. Se a proposta era essa, estava dentro dos meus valores. Cuidar, essa é a essência. Fui aprovada. Passei a atuar no Rh em 2011, de analista a Business Partner em 2014 e anos mais tarde fui convidada a ser coordenadora de uma conta chamada Bradesco Auto Center. Sempre cuidamos das pessoas na EA, do nosso cliente interno. Eu desenvolveria líderes recém promovidos, agora fazendo a coordenação direta deles. Assumi  o time construído, mas não desenvolvido em liderança naquele momento. Eram 30 profissionais diretos em 2016. Eu não participei do processo seletivo deles. Pude trabalhar a nível Brasil com esses profissionais, liderando-os, desenvolvendo-os e mostrando o potencial de cada um, conhecendo no dia a dia. O time cresceu, ganhou forma.  Essa passagem de Business Partner para coordenação me marcou na organização. Fui escolhida para desenvolver diretamente esses profissionais de um modo diferente, em outro papel, cuidar do cliente interno como espelho, como gestora, para que refletissem no atendimento final o que a EA esperava de todos nós. Naquela época não existia pandemia. Meu desafio foi liderar a distância, em 18 Estados Brasileiros. Lapidar as joias que estavam nas minhas mãos, para que essas joias lapidassem quem estivesse com eles e que no atendimento ao cliente esse brilho e reconhecimento deles fosse visto. Tenho muito orgulho dessa construção . A gestão não tem distância. Colhemos esses frutos. A EA tem nítido no seu DNA organizacional, na sua essência, o cuidar. E me refiro ao desenvolver pessoas, a fazer diferença. Do RH a gestão nunca foi diferente em todos esses anos: You live, We care.