Giuseppe Melis

Giuseppe Melis

Giuseppe Melis was born on 4 June 1971 in Avellino. He has graduated in Economics and Commerce and in Law from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. He is a member of the Rome Bar Association, the Rome Order of Chartered Accountants, and the Register of Auditors. He is Full Professor of Tax Law at the Law Department of LUISS Guido Carli. After specializing in International Tax Law at the La Sapienza University of Rome, he subsequently obtained the title of PhD in Tax Law at the Seconda Università degli Studi of Naples. He was a visiting professor at the École de Droit of the Panthéon Sorbonne University – Paris 1 and coordinated the LUISS research doctorate in Law and Business from 2013 to 2018. He is the Director of the Master's Degree in Tax Law, Accounting and Tax Planning at the LUISS Business School, member of the Scientific Committee of the School for the Tax Judiciary, as well as member of the editorial or scientific committees of several journals. He is the author of over 280 publications. He carries out professional activities at his own firm in Rome in the field of tax consultancy and assistance before the Tax Courts of Justice and the Court of Cassation.

Positions in other companies, relevant for the regulation about limits on the number of offices

  • Chairman of the board of statutory auditors of Valoridicarta S.p.A. (1)
  • Chairman of the board of statutory auditors of Caltagirone Editore S.p.A.
  • Stautory auditor of Italo S.p.A. (1)

(1) relevant office pursuant to art. 76 CAP

Further positions

  • Permanent Statutory Auditor of the Bank of Italy
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Society for the study of tax issues
  • Member of the Observatory for the monitoring of the impact of social security expenditure and the analysis of the revision policies of the pension system set up at the Ministry of Labor
  • Member of the Governing Council of the Italian Association of Professors and Scholars of Tax Law

Further positions For additional info see also the Linkedin profile.