Carlo Schiavone

Carlo Schiavone

Carlo Schiavone was born on 3 June 1960 in Fasano (Brindisi). He graduated in Economics and Commerce at La Sapienza University of Rome. He has been a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome since 1984 and in the Register of Auditors since 1995. He has been practicing since 1984 as an expert in tax and corporate law and in the application of accounting principles. During his career, he has gained significant experience in corporate restructuring operations, shareholding structures, company valuations and procedures for admission to stock exchange listing. He has carried out various professional activities for companies operating in the industrial, asset management, financial (investment holding), care homes and real estate sectors. He has held positions in boards of statutory auditors of companies operating in various sectors, including listed ones, in credit institutions, performing legal statutory audits where required, and as well as in boards of directors as a non-executive director.

Positions in other companies, relevant for the regulation about limits on the number of offices

  • Chair of the board of statutory auditors of Società Immobiliare Tirrena per Azioni (1) (2)

(1) relevant offices pursuant to art. 76 CAP
(2) relevant offices pursuant to article 148-bis TUF 

Further offices

  • Member of the control body of Fondazione Severino ETS

For information on Carlo Schiavone shareholdings, see the shareholdings section.