Luisa Torchia

- Independent Director
- Non-executive Director
- Born in Catanzaro on 15 April 1957
Luisa Torchia has been a member of the Board of Directors of Assicurazioni Generali since February 28, 2022.
She graduated in law from the University of Rome, with a thesis in Administrative Law. She has held academic positions at the universities of Urbino, La Sapienza in Rome and Princeton University and is currently full professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Law of the University of Roma Tre.
Her study and research activity, documented in numerous publications, has focused on the regulation of financial markets, the regulation of markets and independent authorities, the European integration process, administrative organization, administrative procedure, administrative justice on digital administration and administrative reforms. She carries out scientific activity in various journals specialized in legal subjects.
She also worked for the Italian government, where she held various roles, including that of member of the National Commission for the evaluation, transparency and integrity of public administrations. She was also legal advisor to the Prime Minister, the Ministry and the Minister of Public Administration and consultant for the Commission for Public Expenditure (Ministry of Economy and Finance). She was a member of the board of directors of Acea, of the holding company Autostrade (later Atlantia), of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, ERG and Nexi. She was chair of the Institute of Public Administration Studies (Irpa) and was a member of the Scientific Committee of Confindustria.
Relevant positions according to our directors overboarding policy
- Member of the Board of Directors of Almawave S.p.A.
Other positions
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Bologna
- She is a founding partner and member of the General Council of Icon-S (International Society of Public Law)
- She is a founding partner and member of the European Public Law Organization
- Member of the Advisory Board of Oxera
- Member of the Scientific Committee of AMF Italia (Associazione Intermediari Mercati Finanziari)
For information on Luisa Torchia shareholdings, see the shareholdings section.