
 A Generali Group Head Office initiative to 'drive the evolution'

The heightened ambition to become a Lifetime Partner to its customers, along with the rapidly evolving external environment and the accelerated adoption of new technologies, requires Generali Group to keep investing in developing key skills for the transformation.

In Generali, in addition to the Group's overarching development program 'We Learn,' the various Business Units have the possibility to launch numerous local initiatives, addressing ideas and needs that arise at the local level. Specifically, Generali's Head Office has introduced the 'Drive Up' program.

DriveUp is a professional development program fostering personal and professional growth. It's rooted in a culture of mutual exchange of skills among colleagues, hence valuing the diversity of skills and experiences of its people and to facilitating collaboration between business areas.

DriveUp supports all Generali employees in continuous learning and skill enhancement, contributing to the Group's transformation journey and proactively anticipating the future with innovation and a data-driven, analytical approach. It also encourages a proactive approach among individuals, fostering a culture of ownership and enabling the achievement of business objectives through the strategic staffing of projects.

Participants start with a self-awareness test to identify motivations and needs, leading to a Reference Profile and tailored DriveUp experience suggestions.

One can be a Contributor, sharing expertise in self-designed or requested sessions, or a Learner, engaging in or requesting learning sessions.

Generali has already rolled out DriveUp in Head Office, GOSP, and Generali Corporate & Commercial units1, on a platform designed to allow easy adoption. Offerings on DriveUp are categorized by:


  • Business: specific to Generali's business areas.
  • Technology: tools, software, or hardware relevant to Generali.
  • Change: facilitating cultural shifts within the organization.

Delivery Type:

  • Knowledge pill: expertise shared by colleagues through various formats like video lessons, workshops, etc.
  • Project: opportunities to join active or future projects, enhancing skills, exploring new domains, and networking.

Through DriveUp, 56 Knowledge Pills have been made available to colleagues within the perimeter, which have collectively received 1,252 applications. Out of the 56 available, 22 pills (39%) were related to change themes, 19 (34%) related to Generali's business specifics, and 15 (27%) on technological/digital skills. The contribution of the company’s learning offering to remaining competitive in a rapidly evolving market context appears to be well-recognized also by GHO’s employees as showed by the annual survey: the score to the question “My Company gives me the opportunity to acquire new skills to stay relevant in my job in the future” has improved of 5p.p. from 2019 (before the Drive Up launch) to 2023. Our employees are better prepared to contribute to the ongoing transformation in these dynamic times, driving the overall success and sustainability of our organization. 

The available projects are 42, of which 23 were business-related (55%), 16 related to change themes (38%), and 3 (7%) related to technology and digital. The applications received allowed staffing these projects with a total of 65 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). This is an important achievement for GHO, which in 2020 affirmed its ambition to provide employees with more opportunities for individual and professional development, building their own path and showing their own knowledge within the company. Also in this regard, employees appear to acknowledge the company’s initiative contribution, as evidenced by the 3 p.p. increase from 2019 to 2023 in the pulse survey score for the question on opportunities for professional development and growth within the organization.

In 2023 the participation rate in this program was 20.3% (435 participants out of a total of 2,150 employees within the Head Office, GOSP and GC&C business units)