European Social Charter

European Social Charter

Our parent company adopted the Generali group European Social Charter in 2006, confirming the great deal of care we have always taken over our people, in line with our Code of Conduct and the Annual Integrated Report.

The Charter reaffirms the social dialogue guiding principles we follow on protecting the people who work with us.

Below we report some summarizing aspects which characterize the content of the European Social Charter:

  • respect for the fundamental rights of staff members;
  • support for dialogue between management and workers’ representatives at all levels;
  • pursuit of better strategies for managing and protecting jobs, and on retraining and developing our human resources;
  • respect for workers’ trade unions and representation rights, and their rights to perform their duties.

Group management submitted the European Social Charter to the Select Committee of the European Works Council (EWC) on 28 November 2006 and it was then distributed in all European countries where we operate.

The Charter is referred to in the current EWC Agreement and is available to everyone who works with the group.

Within the scope of the Group European Social Charter in the Chapter “Aims”, it is specifically provided the following: “Recognition of trade-union rights (i.e. the right of collective bargaining) and freedom of assembly for workers’ representatives in compliance with the rules and regulations in force in the different countries where the Group companies operate”.

Moreover, the Group Code of Conduct recalls the respect of trade union rights. On top, Generali Group aligns to the International Labour Organization (ILO) rules adhering also to the UN Global Compact.

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Generali is one of the largest integrated insurance and asset management groups worldwide. Established in 1831, it is present in over 50 countries in the world, with a total premium income of € 95.2 billion and more than € 800 billion AUM in 2024. With around 87,000 employees serving 71 million customers, the Group has a leading position in Europe and a growing presence in Asia and Latin America. At the heart of Generali’s strategy is its Lifetime Partner commitment to customers, achieved through innovative and personalised solutions, best-in-class customer experience and its digitalised global distribution capabilities. The Group has fully embedded sustainability into all strategic choices, with the aim to create value for all stakeholders while building a fairer and more resilient society.