Additional information and amendment to the call notice for the 2020 Shareholders’ Meeting
27 March 2020 - 08:00
Milan – Assicurazioni Generali informs that has added to and amended the call notice for the Shareholders’ Meeting published on 13 March 2020 following the entry into force of Decree Law no. 18/2020, which has introduced special rules related to the COVID- 19 emergency applicable to the Shareholders’ meetings of listed companies.
In order to minimise the risks associated with the current health emergency, the Company has decided:
- to make use of the right, established by the Decree, to include in the call notice that the participation of those entitled to vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting shall take place exclusively through the designated representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies (CFBA), without the physical participation of the shareholders;
- to provide for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held at the offices of Generali Italia S.p.A. located in Turin, Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 53, on 27 April 2020 at 9.00 (first call), and if necessary an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 29 April 2020 at 9.00 (second call), and if necessary an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 30 April 2020 at 11.00 (second call) and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (third call).
The record date of 16 April remains unchanged to determine the entitlement to exercise shareholder rights at the meeting.
Pursuant to art. 127-ter, paragraph 1-bis of the CFBA questions on the items on the agenda may be received by the Company by the same date: responses will be provided by the Company by 25 April 2020, through publication in a special section of the website, also in order to allow those eligible to cast their vote, taking into account the replies to these questions provided by the Company (the Shareholders’ Meeting will presumably take place on April 30th 2020). The entitlement to vote may also be established after the submission of questions, provided that this is done no later than the third day following the record date, i.e. no later than 19 April 2020.
The time limits to exercise the rights pursuant to art. 126-bis of the CFBA should also be considered unchanged, which continue to take effect from the date of publication of the notice extract in the press on 18 March 2020.