The challenge of our time
Helping people as a contribution in peace-making operations
Lyse Doucet, BBC’s Chief International Correspondent, has had a crucial role in reporting the tragic events that have characterised the Middle East and North Africa over the last twenty years.
Within such context, the willingness to listen and welcome otherness is fundamental. It is indeed through the harmonious exchanges of the involved actors that differences, often considered as inherently conflictual, can be overcome and affinities and interactions fostered, as to benefit and enrich the whole of humanity.
This is the challenge of our time. A challenge that, as Lyse Doucet maintains, originates from the intent of offering immediate and concrete contributions in peace-making operations built upon the idea of coexistence. Wars, indeed, do not exclusively impact individual states, but rather affect us all.
Lyse Doucet is among the winners of the International Journalism Lucchetta Prize 2017 supported by Generali Group.