Work and enjoy your work...
I learn that in sport. I was a professional sportsman whole my life and when I started I was not the best in my group, but i keep trying. The result of everyday trying to be the best on traning is that today I have Wbc Muay thai World champion title and King of the Ring World champion title.
My wish for competition and to be best hasn’ t stop. I finished my professional carieer but today i want to be the best in job that I am working.
So I have connected sports with insurance and I am trying to be the best in service that i am giving.
Since i have met lot of people in my professional sport career today i use that relationships for insurance. Once they get insured they never leave, because I do not only insurance people, i provide them a full service. They dont need to think of anything, i am here for them.
To be the best you must be perisistant and consistant so I try to do best service, give people fast informations, stay on disposal 24 hours a day. As a result of that lot of my clients today are my friends and they recomended me as manager of Generali insurance to other people and i think that is the best way to keep doing more job.

Read the story in original language
Work and enjoy your work...
My name is Ivan Stanic. I work as a Risk manager in Generali insurance and I really enjoy my job. I think the most importat thing in everything you do is persistence and consistance.
I learn that in sport. I was a professional sportsman whole my life and when I started I was not the best in my group, but i keep trying. The result of everyday trying to be the best on traning is that today I have Wbc Muay thai World champion title and King of the Ring World champion title.
My wish for competition and to be best hasn’ t stop. I finished my professional carieer but today i want to be the best in job that I am working.
So I have connected sports with insurance and I am trying to be the best in service that i am giving.
Since i have met lot of people in my professional sport career today i use that relationships for insurance. Once they get insured they never leave, because I do not only insurance people, i provide them a full service. They dont need to think of anything, i am here for them.
To be the best you must be perisistant and consistant so I try to do best service, give people fast informations, stay on disposal 24 hours a day. As a result of that lot of my clients today are my friends and they recomended me as manager of Generali insurance to other people and i think that is the best way to keep doing more job.