Happiness is a journey, not a destination
In life, no matter how harmonious, there are times when it seems that something should happen to make everything even more beautiful and meaningful. I experienced such a moment at the beginning of my Generali journey, when I was elected Leo of the Year by my colleagues. This award also brought with it an unforgettable trip to the City of Lights, but the occasion lit up my soul like the Eiffel Tower lit up beautiful Paris. As I walked through the streets of Paris, it seemed as if random passers-by had noticed my happiness and the reason for my stay in this place.
I had no idea that my Generali journey had just begun and has been going on for 13 years.
In all these years, there have been a handful of touching moments, and it is very difficult to choose one. The most wonderful moment for every parent is the birth of a child, including me, and everything that has to do with children has a special place in the heart. Sometimes I have the impression that my son already knew that he was part of the Generali family when he was still in the womb, because that is "mummy's job", i.e. he recognises the winged lion from a very early age. Whenever he sees cotton candy, he asks when he can come to Generali's work, because he remembers being with the children during the Love in Spring event.
The child remembered the moments, and I remember his emotions that arose on our Generali putu.
Love is the keyword that accompanies me on the red road. It doesn't go alone, there are always many lionesses and lions with whom I share these red paths, these wings of a lion that watches over us and gives us the strength to go on. This team is the closest thing we have to a family, this team is big, different and always ready to turn a challenge into an opportunity. This team is not easy to make, but it is easy to be yourself, special because this team allows me to be myself even when I am not.
Being part of the Generali road is something special! "Happiness is a journey, not a destination."
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Happiness is a journey, not a destination
Moja priča se ne razlikuje puno od priča ostalih koleginica i kolega. Verujem da je svaki član Generali tima u kompaniji doživeo trenutke za pamćenje koje će prepričavati u penzionerskim danima.
U životu, ma koliko on bio skladan, postoje trenuci kada vam se čini da bi trebalo nešto da se desi kako bi sve bilo još lepše i sadržajnije. Jedan takav trenutak sam doživela na početku mog Generali puta, kada sam od strane kolega bila izabrana za Lava godine. Ova nagrada je donela i nezaboravno putovanje u grad svetlosti, ali je povod obasjavao moju dušu kao Ajfelov toranj prelepi Pariz. Hodajući ulicama Pariza, činilo mi se da slučajni prolaznici primećuju moju ushićenost i razlog mog boravka na ovom mestu.
Nisam ni slutila da je moj Generali put tek počeo i traje već 13 godina.
Tokom svih ovih godina bilo je pregršt dirljivih momenata i jako je teško izdvojiti neki za ovaj redak. Najdivniji trenutak svakog roditelja je rođenje deteta, pa i meni, i sve što ima veze sa decom ima posebno mesto u srcu. Nekada imam utisak da je moj sin znao, još dok je bio u stomaku, da je deo Generali porodice jer “mamin posao” tj. krilatog lava prepoznaje od malih nogu. Kada god vidi šećernu vunu upita kada će doći na Generali posao, jer se seća druženja sa decom tokom događaja Ljubav u proleće.
Dete je zapamtilo trenutke, a ja pamtm njegove emocije nastale na našem Generali putu.
Ljubav je ključna reč koja me prati na crvenom putu. Ona ne ide sama, uvek je tu puno lavica i lavova sa kojima delim ove crvene staze, ova krila lava koji bdi nad nama i daje nam snagu za dalje. Taj tim je nešto najbliže porodici, taj tim je veliki, različit i uvek spreman da izazov pretvori u priliku. Ovakav tim nije lako napraviti, ali je u njemu lakobiti svoj, poseban jer taj tim baš to omogućava, da budem svoja i kada to nisam.
Biti deo Generali puta je nešto posebno! “Happiness is a journey, not a destination.”