D&I sparkles!
My job is to make sure that nobody ever feels like this again at Generali: I am responsible for diversity and inclusion. It is a story of many steps, small or big, but it is nice to know that every step fosters an inclusive culture.
I am especially proud that at Generali, I am fully empowered to create, implement and accompany activities to foster a culture of inclusion: Unconscious bias trainings, D&I awareness kits, anti-discrimination trainings, employee resource groups support, you name it. And I am very happy about the precious support of my managers and colleagues.
I certainly cannot deny that the women’s mentoring programs are especially dear to my heart. First run in 2019, we have just recently launched the third successful edition. These networks of mentees and mentors throughout the group, growing each year, are so precious not only for the mentees. Much more, I learn and I feel myself grow session by session and I am so proud of all the colleagues who join the program. I have met and listened to so many inspiring female and also male role models, discussed leadership styles and even made friends with some of the mentees. “It is a bubble of trust” a mentee once called the mentoring network – and I couldn’t agree more. I love being sort of a midwife for so many talented women’s careers and thoroughly enjoy composing each year’s program. One of the unforgettable highlights was a motivational feel-good career event with popular and entertaining coach Sabine Asgodom, who was in high spirits – and after 10 minutes, everybody else was as well.
What’s best for me: All the energy I give comes back multiple times to myself. It is incredible that such an overwhelming energy is unleashed each time a new edition starts.
Being a woman myself, I am more than happy to boost gender diversity and to be part of the women mentoring programs for the third time in a row now. Each edition is different from the previous ones due to so many so different participants – and the pandemic effect forcing to add many virtual elements shaped the program in an unforeseen but surprisingly good way.
Generali is full of lions and especially lionesses – let’s celebrate!
Read the story in original language
D&I sparkles!
Remember the feeling at school when during sports lessons, you were the last being picked into a team? Or when you went to your first party at university but didn’t know anybody and felt alien?
My job is to make sure that nobody ever feels like this again at Generali: I am responsible for diversity and inclusion. It is a story of many steps, small or big, but it is nice to know that every step fosters an inclusive culture.
I am especially proud that at Generali, I am fully empowered to create, implement and accompany activities to foster a culture of inclusion: Unconscious bias trainings, D&I awareness kits, anti-discrimination trainings, employee resource groups support, you name it. And I am very happy about the precious support of my managers and colleagues.
I certainly cannot deny that the women’s mentoring programs are especially dear to my heart. First run in 2019, we have just recently launched the third successful edition. These networks of mentees and mentors throughout the group, growing each year, are so precious not only for the mentees. Much more, I learn and I feel myself grow session by session and I am so proud of all the colleagues who join the program. I have met and listened to so many inspiring female and also male role models, discussed leadership styles and even made friends with some of the mentees. “It is a bubble of trust” a mentee once called the mentoring network – and I couldn’t agree more. I love being sort of a midwife for so many talented women’s careers and thoroughly enjoy composing each year’s program. One of the unforgettable highlights was a motivational feel-good career event with popular and entertaining coach Sabine Asgodom, who was in high spirits – and after 10 minutes, everybody else was as well.
What’s best for me: All the energy I give comes back multiple times to myself. It is incredible that such an overwhelming energy is unleashed each time a new edition starts.
Being a woman myself, I am more than happy to boost gender diversity and to be part of the women mentoring programs for the third time in a row now. Each edition is different from the previous ones due to so many so different participants – and the pandemic effect forcing to add many virtual elements shaped the program in an unforeseen but surprisingly good way.
Generali is full of lions and especially lionesses – let’s celebrate!