Generali Adventures
My name is Bruna.
I’m a normally special kind of girl. I work by writing and write by working.
Then one afternoon I get a call, and suddenly find myself immersed in an adventure spanning three centuries, from steam-powered vessels to space explorations… it’s time to get started, baby!
Come with me…
6 stories, 6 extraordinary adventures inspired by real events.
A tale of Assicurazioni Generali, between history and comics
6 stories, 6 extraordinary adventures inspired by real events.
Discover the historical clues hidden in the comics’ pages!

Who is Bruna?
Who is Bruna? Bruna, the blogger who will steal you away from traditional stereotypes and take you to a decidedly more "pop" and irreverent dimension? Bruna "La Rossa” (The Red) who explores, dreams, rummages, searches, who never gives up, Bruna who speaks her mind... Bruna who represents the amazement of those who discover fragments of identity in the past that compose the present, and the future... Bruna who reconstructs 190 years of Generali's history, challenging even herself.
Are you intrigued yet? We had fun creating this book, and we hope you will have fun reading it and have a chance, at least this time, to put aside everything you have ever known, or thought you knew, about insurance.