Our management

The Group organizational structure supports the successful delivery of the Generali 2024 strategic planLifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth.

From June 1st 2024, a new organizational structure is effective.
The Group operates as a diversified financial group focused on two main businesses: Insurance and Asset Management.

The Group Management Committee is the international committee responsible for establishing Group strategic priorities. The committee's goal is to promote alignment between Group business units and ensure more effective and inclusive decision-making.

Our management
Board of directors Antonio Cangeri Philippe Donnet Nora Gürtler Giuseppe Catalano Carlo Ferraresi Simone Bemporad Isabelle Conner Cristiano Borean Francesco Martorana Remo Marini Lucia Silva Maurizio Basso Monica Alessandra Possa Michele Valeriani Marco Sesana Santiago Villa Eleonora Centonze Franco Urlini Jaime Anchustegui Giulio Terzariol Woody Bradford Anna Pieri Michele Rendine Francesca Monti Cécile Paillard David Cis Gian Maria Mossa Pedro Gonzalez Rossia


*  Member of Group Management Committee (GMC) 
1.The Head of Corporate Affairs also reports to the Group CEO for the relevant aspects 
2. Group Spokesperson