Generali Italia is a leader in the Italian retail insurance market and one of the world's leading insurers within the segment of large companies.
Data at 31.12.2023
In line with the strategy "Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth" Generali Italia wants to enable people to create a safer and more sustainable future by taking care of their lives and dreams. To this end, it acts through its business, its people and its commitment to society to contribute to the economic, social and environmental (ESG) well-being of the country, generating a concrete and positive impact.
Generali Italia believes in valuable growth: it offers solutions, services and consultancy capable of responding to emerging social and environmental needs, widening forms of protection also through product innovation considering the ESG perspective. It fosters change by supporting the development and dissemination of a culture based on inclusion, equality, fairness and merit through its daily actions, promoting new skills and encouraging responsible behavior and choices. It aspires to be a guide by sharing its experience and expertise to responsibly lead the development of the sector and the communities in which it operates, by also involving public-private partnerships.
Manager in Charge
Main Group companies
Generali Italia includes:
- Alleanza Assicurazioni (
- Business Unit Cattolica
- Das
- Leone Alato
- Genertel (
- Genertellife (
- Generali Welion
- Generali Jeniot (
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