In this section, you will find some general information about the Generali Group, relative to questions frequently asked by our Clients and other external contacts.
We tried to be concise in the answers, and wherever possible, refer the reader to more detailed web pages concerning the specific issues.
Where is the Generali Group's Legal Head Office located?
The Legal Head Office of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Parent Company of the Generali Group, is located in Trieste, Italy, in:
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2, 34132 Trieste (IT)
Switchboard phone no.: +39 040 671111
The main building is along the city seafront, called "The Rive" (i.e. "the Shores"), of which some nice panoramic views are made available for download.
What is Generali Italia?
“Generali Italia” is the company that - effective from July, 1 2013 – has been set up out of the transfer of the Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.’s insurance business to INA ASSITALIA S.p.A., which in turn has been renamed “Generali Italia S.p.A”. Later on, in 2014, Toro, Lloyd and Augusta of Alleanza Toro S.p.A. brands will also be merged in the newco. By 2015 only three Group companies will operate in Italy: Generali, Alleanza and Genertel.
What's the main difference between the www.generali.com and the www.generali.it web sites?
Basically, www.generali.com is Assicurazioni Generali’s institutional web site, managed by the Head Office in Trieste. It is meant to offer to financial analysts, Media operators, Clients, and the public in general an overview on Generali and its organizational set-up, the Group’s strategic guidelines, its consolidated results, press releases, Corporate Governance rules, and a number of other key information regarding one of the most important insurance-financial institutions of the international market.
On the other hand, www.generali.it is managed by Generali Italia' Head Office, based in Mogliano Veneto (Treviso), and refers to Company's Italian insurance operations. It offers key information on products and services available in Italy, as well as on the relevant distribution network.
Which are the main peers of the Generali Group?
The Generali Group’s main international peers are Axa (France, www.axa.com), Allianz (Germany, www.allianz.com), ING (Netherlands, www.ing.com), Zurich Financial Services (Switzerland, www.zurich.com).
Besides these companies operating worldwide, there are a number of operators competing with Generali Group Companies at national level in the various markets
How can I quickly know when the next financial figures become available?
Through the generali.com website there are basically three ways that allow you to be timely informed about the Generali’s financial figures:
- The dates of future main corporate events are available in the financial calendar, where you can also find the dates of some planned international conferences, in which one top representative of Generali’s Head Office is scheduled to deliver a speech: the relevant presentation is then often made available.
- Secondly, through the function "subscribe" (in the service menu) it is possible to ask for a mail alert advising you about new press releases, financial statements or interim results and the newsletters "Investor’s Info"
- Finally, through the RSS feed (in the footer area of each page) it is possible to directly receive on your own RSS reader notices about new press releases and financial presentations.
How can I get in contact with the Generali Group?
The Generali Group is quite a large international Group and therefore, it is important to be able to easily identify whom to contact to timely satisfy your queries. We have done our best to facilitate this task by highlighting some macro Areas of competence that, in most cases, should cover the majority of questions. Should you not find the appropriate Area, there is also a more general contact form that you can use. Generally speaking, in order to be faster and more precise in our answers, we tend to privilege questions received via e-mail. However, we are committed to reply to all your legitimate messages, either written or received via phone, in the shortest possible time.
As stated above, under Contact us, you will see the macro Areas that should be able to address most of the questions received: these Areas can be contacted directly via e-mail and they are: Generali Italia's Head Office in Mogliano, Investor Relations, Media/Press, and Personnel at the Central Head Office in Trieste.
If, instead, you are interested in getting in touch with another Italian or a foreign Group Company, then you can refer to the list of Companies under worldwide Group, or through the box “The Group worldwide”, at bottom right of each page of the website. If you do not succeed in getting the information you are looking for, please inform us accordingly, through the generic form, and we will contact our colleagues on your behalf to provide you with an answer in a reasonable amount of time.
How can I send a complaint through the web?
If you want to file through the web a complaint relating to a policy issued by Generali Italia, we suggest you to contact the Generali Italia's Head Office in Mogliano, by following the instructions given under Contact us of www.generali.it.
If the complaint refers to a policy or financial product of a Group Company in Italy or abroad, then please get in contact with the relevant Head Office, following the instructions given under their web sites (please see the Companies list under "The group worldwide")
How can I apply for a job in the Generali Group?
If you would like to apply for a job at Generali Group in Italy (including the Assicurazioni Generali’s Head Office in Trieste and the Generali Italia’s Head Office in Mogliano Veneto) please follow the instructions under Job search.
If you are interested in working for another Company of the Generali Group, in the world, please get directly in contact with the relevant Human Resources Department. To this end, please check the list of Companies and their web sites under the “PREMISES & GLOBAL SERVICES” tab in the upper part of the header.